Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

Where are you , Boy? 3 Days no message from you. Where are you? Did you know i'm worried, i'm negative thinking of you. I'm affraid but i'm trying to believe and postive thinking. May be you can't text me because you must keep your brother or you don't have pulse to text me. And hope my negative thinking is not true. Amin. Love you

That's all from me

You must care with my story

Warm Regards,



"You can love two people in the same time, but not in the same level"

Yeah... you can love two people in the same time. Loving your family, you mom, your sister & brother, your friend. But i want to talk about loving between boy and girl or man and woman. That's easy not a difficult thing. May be just little bit confused but you will love one of them more. It's not a big problem. But it would be different if you have a relationship with one of them. It means one of them is your girlfriend or boyfriend then you love another. You will feel guilty or you'll break your boyf org girlf's heart. Nobody wants if her boyf or girlf share their heart altough only slightly. If they want.. may be they also share his/her heart to another. I believe no one no body wants to be like that. Honestly, I feel it too. I always negative thinking when i see him with another girl 'cause i don't want if he share his heart with another girl. But i believe if he is kind, he is faith. I BELIEVE HIM

That's all from me
You must care with my stories

Warm Regards,


Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

Ipinupil dan Cupacups

Tau ga itu apa? Ipinupil? Dia spesies baru dari yang namanya ayam kalkun. Dia sangat ingin bersaing dengan salah satu orang keturunan permen cupacups berambut kribo. Okay gue keterlaluan. Ga deng mereka manusia.
Tau ga sih, sebenernya ipinupil gapunya dosa sama gue tapi ya gitu deh gue demet aje liat dia begitu-begitu. Padahal dia tuh beda jauuuhh banget sama si cupacups untuk memberebutkan si yang punya blog "Ramble on. Mind and Heart".

Ok, sekian, gue sadar ini pstingan ga penting. Gapapa deh tole tole makan lele.. yang penting.......

You must care with my stories


Warm Regards,


Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010


Love in not 'Why, How, What, When'
Love is like water
If we find it, we feel it

That's all from me

You must care with my stories